Gambling with Babies

May 12, 2013
11 years ago

Maybe, some day you would create a way to gamble when making babies. Like two buttons, Mate and Gamble. When you Gamble you get strange results.
Takes 1/2 points but babies takes 8-10 days to mature.
1/2 again as many points and it takes 2 days to mature.

Something along those lines.

Mel aka Rabid Squirrel of Doooooom!

May 12, 2013
11 years ago

Mel demands more variety and interest in the mating process!

May 12, 2013
11 years ago

And to pop a tent!

Giget Padgett
May 13, 2013
11 years ago
Edited 11 years ago by Giget Padgett

Gambling could be fun but I'd think of it more as say "Spin the planets" gambling . .IE - They go off on a mystery ride through a black hole and find themselves at XXX planet to mate. You still have your base ancestry but that 3rd variable the planet is a surprise till they come out the other side. You would of course pay slightly more resources for the Mystery trip, but in return you get a slightly higher % chance of getting planet specific traits. This might also be a great way to find and explore new planets or introduce them as they wouldn't be showing or listed until they are discovered by you and your Mossms. So, thus once its found you now have the Coordinates to go back to it and choose it.
To make things more interesting for the market the baby will have some knowledge of the planet as its in the baby's Ancestry and the baby might have a higher chance of finding it through the Black Hole, but it would not automatically know the coordinates and open the planet for someone that purchased / adopted the baby

May 13, 2013
11 years ago

I seriously like this concept...

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